

Invisalign is a removable and transparent aligner that straightens teeth without the hassle of wires or braces. Each aligner is custom-made to suit an individual’s unique shape, making this an innovative solution for minor straightening issues and more severe cases.

What is the process for receiving Invisalign aligners?

During the consultation, we will take impressions of your teeth and determine if Invisalign is the right fit for you. Next, we will create a personalised plan and show you the process it will take to get to your desired outcome. Finally, we will design your custom Invisalign aligners once you are happy with the plan and desired outcome.

Invisalign aligners straighten teeth over time to slowly shift them into the desired shape and position. Every two weeks, you will receive new aligners to realign your teeth until the desired outcome is achieved.

What conditions do Invisalign aligners treat?

Invisalign aligners can treat numerous conditions in teens and adults, from minor cases to more complex issues. However, they are not suitable for severe problems such as misalignment or malocclusion.

Invisalign will help with:

  • Underbites, crossbites and deep bites
  • Widely spaced teeth or overcrowded teeth

Benefits of Invisalign aligners

Invisalign aligners are an easy and cost-effective way to achieve your ideal smile. The aligners are transparent and easy to remove and clean, making them a convenient option for achieving a beautiful smile. A few other benefits include:

  • Comfortable and convenient
  • Completely custom
  • Able to treat a variety of cases
  • Work faster than traditional braces
  • Less hazardous
  • Subtle appearance

Caring for your Invisalign

Looking after your Invisalign is just as important as taking care of your oral hygiene. Our practitioners will always advise you on the best care for your oral health, but here are a few tips for ensuring your aligners are taken care of:

  • Always remove your aligners before eating or drinking (except for water).
  • Store your Invisalign in its case when you’re not using it.
  • Wash and soak your aligners daily and rinse them with water in between.
  • Clean your teeth before reinserting your Invisalign.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can discolour and damage your aligners.

If your smile is not the one you want, why not see if Invisalign could work for you. Contact us today for your consultation.

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